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America's Best Ally:

Science & Technology.

To fuel a true American restoration we must fully embrace science and technology. How? Through a national science and technology strategy that generates the greatest possible return on investment, addresses the existential threats of our time, and secures a brighter future for all. The findings and recommendations in the State of Science in America Report and the Science and Technology Action Committee’s Action Plan provide an undeniable clarion call and clear direction for policymakers to develop the policies that will allow the United States to regain our prominence on the global stage.

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Ready to join us? See what we have planned.
Download our Action Plan

Our nation’s future is in question. Science and technology must guide the way forward.

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How the United States can regain global leadership in science & technology

Read our report on the State of Science in America to get the details on the widespread, bipartisan view of America’s failure to strengthen science and technology leadership—and the steps we must take to regain our prominence.

Develop a comprehensive national science and technology strategy.
Increase federal funding and coordination across the 20+ government agencies with scientific missions.
Improve STEM education at all levels, starting with K-12.
Learn More About the Report
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Action Plan

To address our nation’s most urgent crises, we must invest in science and technology. These three actions will move us toward a new era of innovation, prosperity and safety:

  1. Investment
  2. At least double federal expenditure for R&D and STEM education relative to GDP over the next five years.

  3. Leadership
  4. Endow the OSTP Director, now a Cabinet-level position, with the resources, capacity and influence needed to address our most pressing issues.

  5. Coordination
  6. Reinvent and reinvigorate cross-agency collaboration across the 20+ federal departments and agencies conducting R&D to harness the full power of our public science and technology enterprise.

Academia, industry and the S&T community have endorsed our Action Plan. But Washington needs to hear from every corner of the U.S. that the existential challenges we face today can only be overcome by prioritizing science and technology.

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We're a group of 23 non-profit, academic, foundation, and corporate leaders working to dramatically strengthen U.S. science and technology.

The Committee is co-chaired by:

Bill Noveolli Headshot

Bill Novelli

Professor Emeritus and founder of Business for Impact at Georgetown University and
former CEO of AARP
Sudip Parikh Headshot

Sudip Parikh, Ph.D.

CEO, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and Executive Publisher of Science Family of Journals of
Mary Wolley Headshot

Mary Woolley

President and CEO, Research!America of
Keith Yamamoto Headshot

Keith Yamamoto, Ph.D.

Vice Chancellor of Science Policy and Strategy at UCSF and
Past President of American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
View the diverse list of STAC Members
Read the STAC fact sheet

The Science & Technology Action Committee (STAC) is a group of 25 non-profit, academic, foundation, and corporate leaders working to dramatically strengthen U.S. science and technology. The Committee is co-chaired by: Bill Novelli, Professor Emeritus and founder of Business for Impact at Georgetown University and former CEO of AARP, Sudip Parikh, CEO, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and Executive Publisher of the Science Family of Journals, Mary Woolley, President & CEO of Research!America, and Keith Yamamoto, Vice Chancellor for Science Policy and Strategy at UCSF and Immediate Past President of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).